35+ Latest Podcast Statistics for 2023

35+ Latest Podcast Statistics for 2023: User Insights, Fascinating Facts, and the Influence of Remote Working


Podcasts are a digital audio format that has been gaining tremendous popularity in recent times. The statistics from the past few years are proof that podcasts are here to stay. In this blog, we will take a closer look at the latest podcast statistics for 2023, including listenership, industry growth, remote work trends, advertising, and the future of podcasting. Let's dive in and explore all there is to know about this fascinating medium.

Podcast Listenership Statistics


Podcasting has revolutionized the way we consume content on-the-go. From start-ups to established corporations, everyone is leveraging podcasts to their advantage. From informative interviews and crime thrillers to comedy and music, podcasts cater to every interest. The number of podcast listeners is increasing every passing year. Let's look at some of the key podcast listenership statistics.

Podcast Listenership Statistics: 

Overall Listenership: 

In 2021, the number of monthly active podcast listeners globally was around 1.75 billion. This figure is expected to cross 2.2 billion by 2023. The podcast industry has seen tremendous growth since 2013. There is no doubt that podcasts have become a mainstream medium.

Demographics of Podcast Listeners: 

Demographics play a vital role in podcast listenership. According to recent statistics, 51% of podcast listeners are males, and 49% are females. Also, 49% of podcast listeners are from the age group of 12-34 years. The age group of 35-54 years accounts for 33% of the total podcast listeners.

Number of Podcasts Listened: 

The average podcast listener tunes in to five podcasts per week. In 2020, people spent an average of 6 hours and 39 minutes per week listening to podcasts. There is a significant increase in podcast consumption habits following the pandemic, with more and more people turning to podcasts while working from home.

Podcast Consumption Trends: 

Listeners prefer to tune in to podcast episodes that are around 30-45 minutes long. This is because it caters to their on-the-go lifestyle. People listen to podcasts most commonly on their mobile phones. 94% of podcast listeners consume at least some portion of episodes while multitasking. Podcasts have become a part of people's daily routines.

Remote working and Podcasting: 

As the world shifted to remote work due to the pandemic, podcasts became even more popular. Podcasts are now catering to remote workers' needs by providing educational content, interviews, and solutions related to remote work.

Podcasts for Remote Working: 

Several podcasts provide valuable content that can help remote workers to enhance their work quality and lifestyle. There are podcasts on the art of remote management, time management, and productivity hacks for working from home. They are also podcasts on self-care, mental wellness, and nudging yourself from burnout.

Remote Work Podcasts Growth: 

Podcasts on remote work have seen significant growth following the pandemics. The number of podcasts that talk about remote work has grown over 45% since the onset of the pandemic alone.

Marketing Opportunities in Remote Working Podcasts: 

Marketers and businesses can leverage remote working podcasts to their advantage. Podcast advertising is a great way to reach a specific audience. For instance, if a company's target audience is remote workers, partnering with a remote work podcast can get a high return on investment.

In conclusion, the podcasting industry is growing every year. It has become an indispensable part of our daily routine. Podcasts are catering to several interests, and the opportunities for businesses are endless. Remote working podcasts, in particular, have ample marketing scopes, and it is high time that businesses leverage them to their benefit. So, which podcasts are you listening to today?

Podcasting Industry Statistics

Podcasting Industry Statistics:

Podcasts have been gaining immense popularity in recent years, with an increasing number of people tuning in every day. As of 2021, there are over 2 million active podcast shows, a noteworthy increase from the 700,000 in 2019. This rapid growth can be attributed to the low entry barriers to the market, with virtually anyone able to create and distribute content.

The podcast market is diverse, with a plethora of categories to choose from. However, some categories reign supreme, namely 'Society and Culture', 'Business', 'Comedy', 'Education', and 'Health and Fitness.' A significant factor contributing to their popularity is the ability to engage and entertain listeners, without necessitating their full attention.

Podcasts shows are predominantly English language-based, accounting for over 50% of all shows on the market. The second most popular language is Spanish, with just 5% of the total share. This can be attributed to the lack of language barriers in consuming content, with listeners tuning into shows produced worldwide.

Apple Podcast and Spotify dominate the podcasting industry's distribution, comprising 77% and 16%, respectively. With the recent launch of Spotify's Podcast Network, the platform aims to increase its share in the industry, attracting more users with exclusive content.

Given that the barrier to entry in the podcast industry is relatively low, this market is expected to continue growing. With newer technology and advancements, podcasting is on the brink of moving towards an even more exciting future leveraging AI, virtual reality, and more interactive content.

Remote Working and Podcasting

Remote Working and Podcasting:

The global remote workforce has become unstoppable, and so has podcasting. With more people working remotely, there is a need for more knowledge-sharing tools. Podcasts are filling that gap by providing a platform for people to share insights, gain knowledge and have fun. 

"Podcasting during a lockdown is like baking sourdough bread - almost everyone is doing it," said the famous podcast host, Jon Gruber. He shares that since the beginning of the pandemic, remote work podcasts have exploded in popularity, and the trend is still ongoing. 

Moreover, remote work podcasts are not only consumed by the remote employees themselves, but also by professionals looking to work remotely, companies looking to onboard remote employees, and even people just looking to learn what remote work is all about. So, it's not surprising that remote work podcasts rank high on various podcasting platforms. 

For entrepreneurs looking to market expertise and knowledge in the remote work domain, this is the time to create a remote work podcast. With the increasing number of people working from home, the demand for a podcast on this topic is high. There are various marketing opportunities that businesses can leverage through remote work podcasting, such as sponsored content and securing sponsors for a podcast. 

In summary, the massive shift towards remote work is a boon for podcasting, and the trend is expected to continue. Remote work podcasts are becoming the go-to source for remote workers, professionals, and businesses alike. So, if you're looking to acquire knowledge, learn something new, or create marketing opportunities in the remote work industry, remote work podcasting is the way to go.

Podcast Advertising Statistics

Podcasts have been a significant platform for advertisers due to their highly engaged audiences. According to recent podcast advertising statistics, podcast advertising revenue is estimated to reach $1.13 billion by 2022.

Advertisements in podcasts include pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll ads. Pre-roll ads play before the start of the podcast, mid-roll ads are played in the middle, and post-roll ads are played at the end. Most podcast listeners prefer mid-roll ads as they do not interrupt the flow of the podcast.

Podcast advertising has been proven to be effective. According to a 2021 study, 54% of respondents stated that they were either somewhat or very likely to purchase a product after hearing it advertised on a podcast. Additionally, 79% of respondents stated that they could recall at least one product or service advertised on a podcast.

It's interesting to note that many podcast ads are often read by the host themselves, giving a personalised touch to the ads. This method has proven to be very effective as listeners tend to trust their favourite podcast hosts and take their recommendations seriously.

In conclusion, podcast advertising has become a crucial marketing strategy for many businesses. With its highly engaged audience and proven effectiveness, it's not surprising that more and more businesses are turning towards podcasts for advertising.

Future of Podcasting

The future of podcasting is looking bright with exponential growth predicted in the coming years. By 2023, the number of podcast listeners is expected to reach 1.86 billion globally, thanks to advancements in technology and connectivity. As a result, businesses and marketers are seeking innovative ways to tap into this market and curate content that resonates with their target audience. 

Moreover, podcasts are also changing the way content is consumed and produced, giving rise to new possibilities for formats and genres. With developments like the introduction of AI-generated podcasts, voice recognition and personalisation, the industry is ripe for innovation and experimentation. 

As the relationship between remote working and podcasting continues to grow, we can expect unique and personalised podcasts targeting specific remote work niches. Overall, the future of podcasting looks promising, with technology and innovation opening up new opportunities and audiences.


So, these are the latest podcast statistics that can help you stay ahead in remote working - stay tuned for a promising future!

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